SR. NO. 




CCTV Enabled classrooms

Schools have a key responsibility to ensure the ongoing safety of both their students and teachers while on school premises. CCTV camera surveillance systems are used in school to maintain safety and security. 


Smart board in all the classrooms

We enable teachers to teach Concepts Accurately and Effectively using smart boards for providing: 

1) Enriching Teaching Learning Experience.
2) Fostering futuristic Learning.
3) Engaging Classroom Delivery.
4) Engaging Teaching-Learning Experience.


Elevator Facility

 In order to provide ease to the students and staff we have the elevator facility in school. 

From the ground to the heights – elevator’s got you.


Jungle Gym for kids

Building strong students is the key to a healthy education. Learn, move and succeed. Physical education for a better tomorrow is the slogan we have for our kids.


NEP Ready School

Education is fundamental for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting national development.

The school has redesigned the school curriculum to move to experiential learning and concept-oriented teaching.